All support articles using ASQL are written in German language. We recommend using a standard website translating tool to read our support articles in your native language.

For better understanding, here some basic principles and translations using ASQL programming language.

Controlling LINA with interfaces and commands

LINA Teamcloud includes many modules, one of them LINA POS.

LINA POS is controlled by our LINA POS API, a part of Third Party API implemented as Restful API interface in LINA TeamCloud. Please read our support article folder Third Party API : Gastro-MIS GmbH 

Inside mentioned LINA POS API you use ASQL programming language for order and payment workflows. ASQL is used by LINA POS itself, so you have full control.

To send an ASQL command string to LINA POS use Third Party API call

.../extern/webcashregister/command  'your ASQL command string'

The Third Party API is also described in LINA postman documentation Third Party API (

LINA POS table basics - ASQL

In LINA POS all actions refer to a real or virtual table. All actions are controlled by ASQL programming language. 

  • start and stop terminal
  • open and close table
  • assign waiter and guests
  • offer menu articles with dynamic pricing (place, time, specials)
  • note to slip and order to kitchen
  • calculate split payments with every payment method

The ASQL command string may combine several ASQL-commands separated by a semicolon. For each sent ASQL command sequence a dataset, an information or an error description is sent back.

Nested ASQL commands: "open table 5; book PLU 40; finance 20;"

The full German ASQL documentation ASQL (Amadeus SQL) Programmierung : Gastro-MIS GmbH describes ASQL commands, usage and returns.

Common translations

Artikelstamm statisch

Artikelstamm is the set of selling articles including recipes, usage as main, tender or inside a course compilation with different price levels

Verkaufsartikel /Bestellartikel dynamisch

To recognize the actual menu in a situation and get selling prices varied by time rules or discounts.

Verkaufsstelle, Betriebsstelle

A Verkaufsstelle "site" is like the place to sell. Different room or takeaway. It is based on Betriebsparameter "profil" where the Bonsteuerung is implemented to access various printing devices or monitors. 

Finanzweg, Finanzart

Finanzweg "finance" is very important for payment. Finanzwege refer to a smaller set of Finanzarten and simplify payment in conjunction with later reporting


Selling price has variants of Preisebene "pricelevel" to switch to inside the store for discounting. In LINA group Preisniveau is used to separate stores in locations with a higher or lower price index.

Gang, Gangsteuerung

A Gang may be starter, main, dessert - simply a course. If Gangsteuerung is configured and noted at order, the service is able to call next course from kitchen at time.

Aufrechnung, Bonieren, Monitor

A Aufrechnung "slip" is a list of noted articles before ordered. With bonieren "book" the articles are ordered and sent to print a Bon /Beleg or displayd on kitchen monitors.


Debitor is the person to pay the bill, "debitor" may be printed on the receipt. 


In DACH region Trinkgeld "tip" may be tax free TrinkgeldAN as tip for the servicing emplyee or TrinkgeldAG as income for the store to increase revenue.

Tagesabschluss, z-count

Daily closing ends the business day, it differs from date. The Tagesabschluss sums up daily revenue from last Tagesabschluss and calculates taxes to pay. z-count is increased by 1.

Menüzusammenstellung, Anspruchsartikel

A combination of articles with allowed options, and counts. Price calculation dependent of included articles, add-ons or discounts. Anspruchsartikel to be set later, like a coffee or cappuccino or espresso to choose at the end.